
The project is focused to support modernization of HEIs in Montenegro by enhancing their cooperation with wider businesses in order to maximise the benefits from digital technologies in priority areas of agriculture and health while ensuring that students graduates, future experts and the worksforce are adapting to the digital area.

Specific objectives


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Objective 1

Strengthening the relation between HEIs and national economy in Montenegro through creation of MNE ACADEMIC HUB strongly connected with national ecosystem, capitalizing from excellence in research and available capacities in priority fields of agriculture and health, and other intitatives rooted in Smart Specialisation Strategy

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Objective 2

ENHANCEMENT OF THE LEVEL OF COMPETENCIES AND SKILLS of staff members from HEIs by sharing experience, expert knowledge and digital skills for local economy; respecting the diversity of national, EU and global industries, challenges and the level of innovations

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Objective 3

STRENTHENING THE QUALITY OF HE through new forms of practical training schemes and study of digitized labour market in priority fields of agriculture and health

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Objective 4

Strengthening INTERNATIONALIZATION OF HEIs, including networking with other digital innovation hubs and competency centres, sharing knowledge and complementing expertise

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